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'Weightlifting Fairy' Park Hye-jeong Silver Lifting Korea's New

  22.08.2024 в 03:15   116  

'Weightlifting Fairy' Park Hye-jeong Silver Lifting Korea's New
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'Weightlifting Fairy' Park Hye-jeong (21) lifted the Olympic silver medal with her departed mother. On the 11th, Park Hye-jeong recorded a total of 299 kg with a snatch of 131 kg and a clean and jerk of 168 kg in the women's super-heavyweight (over 81 kg) competition at the Paris Olympics. It was a Korean record, 3 kg higher than her previous record (296 kg).

Women's 81kg overweight total of 299kg recorded Mother's death in April. "I miss my mother the most" Seong Seung-min of the women's modern pentathlon won a bronze medal.

However, it was not enough to surpass Li Wenwen (24, China, total of 309 kg), who is considered the world's best in this event. Li Wenwen celebrated her second consecutive Olympic victory by lifting her coach instead of the barbell during her third and final clean and jerk attempt. Li Wenwen holds the world record in this event (335 kg).

Park Hye-jeong, whose mother passed away in April of this year, said, "I tried not to think about my mother. But when I came to the Olympics, I thought of her during the warm-up. Today, I thought of my mother the most while I was competing," and her eyes were red. Then, she said, “I came here relying a lot on my dad and sister. They are both at the stadium right now, and I want to go there quickly and show them the medal. I will show it to my mom when I go to Korea,” and added with a smile, “Before I get on the plane tomorrow, I want to go eat snails with my dad and sister.”

The women's weightlifting superheavyweight division is the one in which Vice Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Jang Mi-ran (41) won a gold medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Vice Minister Jang won a silver medal at her first Olympics, the 2004 Athens Games, following Chinese athlete Tang Gonghong (45), and changed the color of her medal to gold four years later. Park Hye-jeong has been training with the goal of winning a medal at this competition, her first Olympics, and then a gold medal at the 2028 Los Angeles Games. Park Hye-jeong said, "Lee Won-won's form has dropped a lot. I think she'll be able to compete in LA. I think I'll become a better athlete if I grow a little more."

By winning a silver medal that day, Park Hye-jeong became the first Korean Olympic weightlifter to win an Olympic medal in eight years since Yoon Jin-hee (38), who won a bronze medal in the women's 53kg class at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games. No Korean male athlete has won an Olympic medal during this period. Park Hye-jeong said, “I now consider the nickname ‘Weightlifting Fairy’ to be mine, and I will do my best in every competition with a sense of responsibility.”

In the final of the women's individual modern pentathlon held at the Palace of Versailles, Sung Seung-min (21) won a bronze medal. Sung Seung-min is the first Korean and Asian athlete to stand on the podium in the women's modern pentathlon event at the Olympics. Sung Seung-min, who dyed her hair golden during this competition, expressed her determination, saying, "I will dye my medal in gold in four years."
